News & Events

April, 2017
June, 2017
September, 2017
  • Hermia and Helena    ::  Center for Latin American Studies Jueves De Cine Fall 2017

    RUTGERS CINEMA (THEATER 2)Hermia and Helenadir. By Matías PiñeroU.S., Argentina, 2017, 1h 27 min.Camila (Agustina Muñoz), a young Argentine theater director, travels from Buenos Aires to New York for an ... read more about  Hermia and Helena

  • New Jersey Film Festival screening    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Friday-September 15-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9Hitchhiking with a .357 Magnum – Jeremy Bryant (Beatty, Oregon)Oregon. Summer 2015. Jeremy hitchhikes to his grandfather's funeral & back home. The trip spans ... read more about  New Jersey Film Festival screening

  • New Jersey Film Festival screening    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Sunday-September 17-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9Lou – Miguel Garzon Martinez (Los Angeles, California)In this touching short film, a man concerned with pleasing others has to deal with an unspeakable ... read more about  New Jersey Film Festival screening

  • New Jersey Film Festival screening    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Friday-September 22-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9Page One – Don P. Hooper (Brooklyn, New York)When veteran actor Abel Worthy suspects real danger on his latest film set, bloodthirsty creatures force ... read more about  New Jersey Film Festival screening

  • New Jersey Film Festival screening    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Sunday-September 24-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9Riverkeeper – Sara Leavitt (Brooklyn, New York)In this short documentary, Captain Bill Sheehan, the founder of Hackensack Riverkeeper, who has dedicated his life to ... read more about  New Jersey Film Festival screening

  • New Jersey Film Festival screening    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Thursday, September 28-Ruth Adams #001–6PM $12; $10; $9Dreams That Money Can Buy – Hans RichterThe ultimate Dada/Surrealist cinematic experience. Dreams That Money Can Buy brings to life the dreams of ... read more about  New Jersey Film Festival screening

October, 2017
November, 2017
December, 2017
  • Cuban Filmmaking Today    ::  Film Festivals & Screenings

    Please join us for a screening of five short films by young directors working in the new context of independent filmmaking in Cuba. Cuban producer Jesús Hernández Bach will be ... read more about  Cuban Filmmaking Today

  • Migas de Pan    ::  Center for Latin American Studies Jueves De Cine Fall 2017

    RUTGERS CINEMA (THEATER 1)Migas de Pandir. Manane RodriguezUruguay, 2016, 1h 49 min.When a woman returns to Uruguay—the stage for her tragic past—her conscience is painfully torn between the political and ... read more about  Migas de Pan

The Cinema Studies Program, in collaboration with the Paul Robeson Center, is delighted to celebrate Rutgers' 250th anniversary by presenting four films featuring the university's esteemed alumnus, the actor/singer/activist Paul Robeson.

Paul Robeson Film FestivalThe series will be introduced on October 13 by Professor CHARLES MUSSER (Yale University), an internationally-renowned scholar of Paul Robeson, as well as of "race films" and early cinema in general.

These events are free and open to the public.


Click the flyer for a full-sized PDF

The Bildner Center is pleased to present the 17th annual Rutgers Jewish Film Festival, which will run from Sunday, October 30 through Sunday, November 13. The festival features a diverse array of narrative and documentary films from around the world and most screenings feature guest speakers, including filmmakers and scholars.

We hope that you will be able to join us at the festival and ask that you share this event information with faculty, staff, and students.

Rutgers Jewish Film Festival

All screenings are free and open to the public.  For more information, call 848-932-5245 or email

This series is underwritten by the Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation

Visiting Filmmaker Series Fall 2016

Jueves de Cine is organized by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and co-sponsored by the Cinema Studies Program, the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies (LCS) and the Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies (RAICCS) .

All screenings are free and open to the public. No RSVP but come early to secure your seat!


The APU Trilogy
Directed by Satyajit Ray

button apu trilogySatyajit Ray’s film trilogy masterwork, newly restored

Rutgers’ Cinema Studies Program is delighted to present the Criterion Collection’s restoration of Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray’s Apu Trilogy, on the first three Wednesday evenings in April. The opening night (April 5), we will also welcome Criterion’s Abbey Lustgarten and Professor Neepa Majumdar (University of Pittsburgh), who will introduce the trilogy and its restoration.

Dates: Wednesday April 5, 12 & 19 at 6:30 PM

Location: AB-1180 (CAC; 15 Seminary Place)

This event is free and open to all!

Co-sponsored by the Department of African, Middle-Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures, and the South Asian Studies Program

Jueves de Cine is organized by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and co:sponsored by the Cinema Studies Program and the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies (LCS). All screenings are free and open to the public. No RSVP but come early to secure your seat! Popcorn and sodas courtesy of the Center for Latin American Studies.

The Rutgers Jewish Film Festival heads into its eighteenth run, Oct. 29 – Nov. 12, bringing New Jersey a broad range of award-winning, international films. Of the fifteen films being screened at the festival, ten are New Jersey premieres and they represent seven countries. Discussions with filmmakers, actors, scholars, and other noteworthy guests enrich the film going experience. The festival will be held at two venues: AMC Loews New Brunswick 18, 17 US Highway 1 South, New Brunswick (AMC); and Princeton Garden Theatre, 160 Nassau Street, Princeton (PGT). The festival is sponsored by Rutgers’ Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life.

Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center
Rutgers University Program in Cinema Studies
4170 Academic Building, 15 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901-8525 U.S.A.
Phone: (848) 932-8482; Fax: (732) 932-1935;
E-mail:,; Web Site:


Jueves de Cine is organized by the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and co-sponsored by the Cinema Studies Program, and the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies. The Program is free and open to the public. Seating is on first come, first served basis. Popcorn and soda will be served.

New Jersey Film Festival
Rutgers Film Co-op/New Jersey Media Arts Center
Rutgers University Program in Cinema Studies
4170 Academic Building, 15 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901-8525 U.S.A.
(848) 932-8482 phone (732) 932-1935 fax;,  e-mail;
Web Site:

pdfNew Jersey Film Festival Fall 2018 Schedule

The Bildner Center is pleased to present the 19th annual Rutgers Jewish Film Festival, which will run from Tuesday, October 30, through Sunday, November 11. The festival features a diverse array of narrative and documentary films from around the world and most screenings feature guest speakers, including filmmakers, actors, and scholars.

The festival will be held at two locations: AMC Loews New Brunswick (AMC), 17 US Highway 1, New Brunswick, NJ; and Princeton Garden Theatre (PGT), 160 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ. Please note that all films will be screened at the New Brunswick location at least once.

Following is a full list of films and the screening schedule. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit our website at

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