New Jersey Film Festival
Saturday-January 27-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9
Breathless - Anaiis Cisco (Brooklyn, New York)
Breathless is the story of Larry, a middle aged African-American man who is known as a father figure and street entrepreneur in his Brooklyn community. One cold day, Larry’s trip to the local bodega for coffee and cigarettes leads to tragedy. 2017; 9 min. With a Q+A session with Director Anaiis Cisco!
Word Is Bond - Sacha Jenkins (New York, New York)
A super-energetic documentary film that celebrates the transformative power of hip-hop music. What was born on the streets of the South Bronx has now taken root globally, and the young hip-hop poets of New York have helped to spawn regional dialects everywhere. Through dynamic archival footage, in-depth interviews and excursions with artists like Nas, Tech9, J Cole, Rapsody and Anderson, Paak, and many more, Word is Bond explores the many dimensions that hip hop poetics occupy in urban culture today. 2017; 88 min.
Co-Sponsored by the Rutgers University American Studies Department!