New Jersey Film Festival
Friday-February 9-Voorhees Hall #105-7PM $12; $10; $9
Alpha Fish – Roger An (Fort Lee, New Jersey)
Rodrigo, a charismatic talking goldfish, has had enough of his hapless owner Conner. Tired of performing tricks for snacks, our scaly hero sets his sights on Bianca, a beautiful marine biologist. 2017; 9 min. With a Q+A session with Director Roger An!
Washed Away - Dana Nachman (Los Atos, California)
Brandon Anderton, a disabled artist, creates sand mosaic masterpieces only to see them enveloped by the tides hours later. He captures the scope and beauty of his art from a drone he flies overhead. In the hours while he is creating his art, his chronic pain fades into the background and sometimes vanishes all together. 2017; 16 min.
Bluefin– John Hopkins (Breadalbane, Prince Edward Island, Canada)
Endangered giant bluefin tuna have returned to Prince Edward Island, Canada in surprising numbers after generations of overfishing. Fishermen are convinced decimated fish stocks can be rebuilt. Conversely, scientists warn that fishermen are actually catching the last of the majestic bluefin tuna. But something strange is going on. Normally wary tuna no longer fear humans. Featuring stunning cinematography, Bluefin portrays the thousand-pound, warm-blooded giant tuna, which wholesale at up to a million dollars, as the magnificent creatures of the deep ocean that they are, and brings a sharp and troubling focus on the way in these creatures continue to be hunted, to feed a global appetite for sushi. 2017; 53 min. Co-sponsored by the Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) General Honors Program and the Rutgers University Office of Disability Services!